All posts tagged 'automatic reporting'
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Posted @ 9/10/2012 1:52 PM By zac
WattMetrics is an approved Performance Data Provider (PDP) for the California Solar Initiative (CSI) Performance Based Incentive (PBI) rebate program. Owners of WattMetrics revenue-grade systems can now participate in the PBI program.
WattMetric non-revenue-grade systems are approved for use with the CSI Performance Monitoring and Reporting System (PMRS).
Posted @ 9/10/2012 1:37 PM By zac
WattMetrics has been approved as a data provider for the PJM EIS SREC Generation Attribute Tracking System (GATS). Now system owners in New Jersey as well as Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Ohio, Pensylvania, Virginia and West Virginia can use WattMetrics revenue-grade systems to participate in the GATS for their Renewable Energy Credits (REC).
Posted @ 9/10/2012 1:26 PM By zac
WattMetrics is now an approved Performance Data Provider (PDP) for the Residential Solar Investment (RSIP) program in Connecticut (which is managed by Connecticut's Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA). WattMetrics revenue-grade residential monitoring systems can now be used by any participant in this program.
Posted @ 8/9/2011 2:52 PM By zac
As of this July, we have completed our integration with Massachussetts' production tracking/SREC system. When registering a new MassCEC PTS system via the MassCEC PTS portal, installers can now select WattMetrics as the reporting agent.
Once a system id is available from the PTS, all the installer has to do is enter that id into the WattMetrics project portal (as shown below). That's it. Once that's done, we will automatically report production data from our system to MassCEC PTS. This service is available free of charge to all WattMetrics projects in Massachussetts. For more information on MassCEC, please visit and
WattMetrics Project Portal settings for MassCEC PTS